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An emergency occurred at the Port of Antwerp! All docks in France are on strike! And the Port of Hamburg, Canada...

Samira Samira 2024-06-12 10:41:40

Sunny Worldwide LogisticsIt is a logistics company with more than 0 years of transportation experience, specializing in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, Southeast Asia and other markets, and is more of a cargo owner than a cargo owner~

At present, the Red Sea crisis affects the deviation of ships, coupled with the global port congestion that has caused a large amount of transportation capacity to be trapped, and the shortage of transportation capacity is serious, port emergencies and dock workers' strikes will undoubtedly make shipping worse...


Emergency at the Port of Antwerp


On the evening of June 6, local time, a fuel leak occurred in Antwerp-Brugge Port in Belgium, Europe's second largest container port, which forced Deurganck Dock, Europe's largest single container terminal, to implement a limited navigation ban.


Although the terminal is still operating, ship traffic has been diverted and operations at the Kieldrecht Lock, the world's largest lock, have been suspended to prevent the spread of oil pollution.


The spill affected the port's Deurganck Dock, container operations area and Kieldrecht Lock, as well as about 20 vessels, including river vessels and ocean-going vessels.


After receiving the report of the oil spill, the port immediately suspended operations in the area and initiated investigation and recovery efforts; drones were used to take photos of the scope of the oil spill, while the oil pollution on ships and waterways was cleaned up.


Investigation shows that someShip 'covered with oil', port officials said the ship would not be allowed to leave unless it was completely cleared.


The Port of Antwerp is the second busiest port in Europe, and its Deurganck Terminal is one of the largest container terminals in Europe. This incident will undoubtedly have a certain impact on its operations.


ShipSight data shows that as of 10:45 local time on June 8, a total of 25 container ships were berthing at the Antwerp-Brugge Port, 18 were anchored, and 9 were pre-arrival, including:Several container ships operated by Maersk, Mediterranean Shipping Company and CMA CGM.


Cleanup work caused by the accident is expected to last several days, and some ships will face delays as a result.


Strike at all French docks


All major French ports, particularly the container hubs of Le Havre and Marseille-Fos, are facing the threat of a month-long strike in the near future, which is expected to cause severe operational disruption and disruption.


The strike was planned by the union representing longshoremen and other port workersSeveral one-day strikes and several four-hour work stoppages were held in June, to protest against the government’s pension reforms to raise the mandatory retirement age.


On June 7, the first 24-hour strike broke out. At the port of Le Havre, the ro-ro, bulk and container terminals were blocked by dockworkers, resulting in the cancellation of four ship calls and the delay of 18 more ships.


Meanwhile, in Marseille-Fos, some 600 dockers and other port workers blocked the main entrance to the container terminal for trucks.


Striking port workers call for June 7 to be set as"dead port day".



In addition, the French ports of Dunkirk, Rouen, Bordeaux and Nantes Saint-Nazaire were also affected. In Rouen, three ships and two barges were delayed.


The union plans to continue strike action in the coming weeks. France’s national federation of ports and terminals, CGT, has previously urged port workers to join strikes in June. Plans include:


  • June 4th, 6th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 24th, 26th and 28th: ​​4 hours shutdown from 10am to 2pm (exact time depends on port)


  • June 13, 21 and 25: 24-hour strike


  • June 7: The so-called "Death Port Day" (blocking of port gates and access to port areas)


Strike action could be extended into July if the unions fail to get a satisfactory answer from the government.


This series of strikesThis has had a serious impact on road hauliers and logistics providers.They said the time to secure bookings at the Marseille and Le Havre terminals was taking up to a week, while additional costs were incurred as cargo could not be transported and logistics flows were diverted to other European ports.


Strikes at French ports not only affect the normal operations of the ports, but also have a significant impact on the global shipping and logistics chain. The government and trade unions need to engage in dialogue as soon as possible to find a way to resolve the issue and reduce the negative impact of the strike.


Strike at the Port of Hamburg


According to foreign media reports, Hamburg container terminal workers launched a warning strike on June 7, local time, resulting in the suspension of terminal operations.


Verdi, the union representing workers at the port of Hamburg, said a second round of talks with German seaport operators on raising wages failed to yield results on Thursday. "The employer's offer is completely inadequate," said Verdi's negotiator.


To build pressure for better compensation, unions called on dock workers to call for a strike at the Port of Hamburg. Work stopped at 5:30 a.m. on the 7th until late at night.


According to the union,Around 6,000 employees at the Port of Hamburg are affected by collective bargaining.Among other things, the union is demanding an increase in hourly wages of €3 from June 1 and a corresponding increase in shift allowances.


Kuehne Nagel said the strike affected container handling operations at all terminals. Rail and trucking operations will also be suspended for the day. With dock space already under pressure, trying to push back the schedule could impact processing throughout the week. In addition, loading and unloading of ships will be delayed. The situation needs to continue to be monitored closely.



Terminals of companies such as Hamburg Port and Logistics AG (HHLA) and Eurogate are also affected. HHLA said its branches in Hamburg will join the strike, including the Burchardkai (CTB), Altenwerder (CTA) and Tollerort (CTT) container terminals.


The spokesman said the terminals would be almost completely closed. On the afternoon of the 7th, five large container ships, including "HMM Helsinki", were stuck at the dock. The terminal plans to resume production late at night and take measures such as extending working hours on weekends to reduce the impact of the strike.


It is reported that the third round of negotiations will be held in Hamburg on June 17 and 18. Verdi requires a retroactive increase in wages and adjustment of shift bonuses to help low-wage groups cope with inflation.


Potential strike in Canada


A potential strike at the Canadian border could threaten logistics supply chains. A planned strike by Canadian border workers scheduled for Friday has been suspended to allow more mediation time for further negotiations with the federal government.


The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) said the mediation will last until next Wednesday, and the decision was announced before the original strike deadline. Canada's Department of Finance issued a statement late Friday saying it was pleased with the union's decision to remain at the negotiating table and committed to doing everything it can to reach an agreement as quickly as possible that is both fair and reasonable for members of the border services group.


Still, the threat of potential strikes could have an impact on multiple industries, particularly those that rely on timely supply chains and movement of goods.


Last year, strikes at ports on Canada's west coast caused serious disruptions to port operations. PSAC emphasized that disputes between workers and the government mainly involve issues such as wages, remote work, retirement benefits and workplace protections.